
Showing posts from January, 2010

The Stanley Files - Diligence or Why I Love Kanye

“The Good News for me is that anyone can become stronger with nothing more than diligence.” - Stanley Lee, 1.20.10 I've been on a Kanye West craze recently. If you've been hanging around with me recently, you might have noticed that. I've been trying to figure out why I love his music so much. For one thing, I think he is the second-best rapper of all time (behind Jay-Z, of course). His lyricism is unparalleled, and his flow is rivaled only by (maybe) Eminem. But that's not the main reason. I think I really started listening to Kanye after I realized that his musical content only consists of two subjects: The carnal gratification of sexual desire through the objectification of women, and the constant desire to be the best. I'm intrigued and impressed by his seamless incorporation of both subjects into his songs. I believe the first one is tragic but necessary in his music, but what I'm most drawn to is the second subject; his never-satisfied desire to succeed;