You Should Be Driving A Mercedes

It’s the truth, you should be driving a Merc. It’s just how things are supposed to work. You were born in Taiwan into abject poverty, one of the youngest of eight children. By the sweat of your brow and the sacrifices of your mother and older siblings, you earned a university degree and moved to America with mom to pursue higher education. You toiled for years to bring your family up out of the class you were born into and raise them to upper middle. Because of you, mom and Andrew and I have had a good life. Especially in recent years, we have had all our needs more than met and grown accustomed to comfort. However, you’ve reached the point in your life where you are no longer battling to help your family survive and the path should have turned towards you enjoying the unprecedented fruits of your labor. Your children are now adults with their own jobs, the bills are paid well in advance, and you should be thinking less about needs and more about luxury and recreation. I’ve see...