I Told My Daughter To Be Happy

Before we can exist for the glory of God, we need to first believe that we can exist for any other purpose than to make ourselves happy. My daughter Abby has been going through some kind of funk lately. She used to love going to day care, but ever since she graduated from the "Tumbling Teddies" (ages 0-2yr) and entered the "Dancing Dolphins", she's lost her joy. Every morning (of the three days we put her in daycare), she will cry as we put on our shoes, cry as we pull into the parking lot, and lose it as we walk through the door. I am a weak dad. I have a tender heart for her, and I'm always tempted to give her the day off and let her muck around the house while I work from home. But I steel myself, and I try to offer words of comfort through her tears. "It's okay, sweetie! You'll love playing with your friends!" "You're gonna learn lots! You love your teachers!" "You're gonna have so much fun!" It's that la...