While You Were Sleeping - An Easter Reflection

The Agony In The Garden, Andrea Mantegna c1455 When I first moved to Sydney eleven years ago, one of the hardest things for me to get used to was all the shops being closed by the evening. Growing up in NYC, I took for granted the whole "city that never sleeps" vibe. I always thought it was mostly just marketing and local bragging before I started living in a city that did actually go to bed at a reasonable hour. My parents didn't exactly live in a bustling or vibrant part of town, and yet if I got hungry at 1am, I was still within walking distance of a Taco Bell, Mickie D's, 7/11 ( buffalo chicken taquitos are sacred artifacts ), at least half a dozen Korean chicken and beer joints, and if I was truly feeling deplorable, a White Castle. These burgers are the bomb, and I will die on this hill defending the (White) Castle That first year that I lived in Sydney, there were so many nights when I felt so alone and isolated. Not because I didn't have a lot of friends,...