Break the cycle - A confessional with a lazily shoehorned Christmas moral

Pressure pushin' me from all sides Insecurities of all kinds Yeah, I'm a hostage to my own pride Most important things in life to me are things I know I can't buy (Pictured above: The only photo I can find with all three of their heads turned) I have a bit of a surreal thought. It occurs to me that, if your mother and I are given a lot of grace and wisdom and somehow get things right when it comes to raising you, then you will grow up with a fairly different background to me. I've often mentioned this in my ministry and I'm sure that at some point I would have shared this with you, but I grew up with a lot of personal insecurity. When I was young, the important adults in my life spent a lot of time telling me how smart I was. They never passed up an opportunity to remind me that I was gifted. But what I didn't often hear was that I was loved. The other day I heard a well-known Australian family counselor say that every child fundamentally has three core needs...